Our Services

Soil Prep
Soil prep
Soil prep
  • Removal, clearing and dumping of weeded areas.
  • Removal, clearing and dumping of old unwanted grass areas.
  • Shifting existing (uneven) soil areas over desired areas to improve levels.
  • Removal of access soil to get lower desired levels.
  • Supply and distribute of extra soil (topsoil) for lifting desired levels.
  • Final raking and leveling to get finished levels.
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Top Soil

Supply medium grade topsoil (mixture of 1 m3 compost and 2 m3 soil).

Used for:
Filling areas
Big plant beds
Topdressing established lawn area/s when leveling is required.

Supply fine grade topsoil (mixture of 1 m3 compost and 1 m3 soil).
Used for:
Pot plants
Topdressing lawn area/s to get 100% levels.

Available for:
Just delivered or installation.

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Texture of Medium Compost
Texture of Fine Compost

Supply medium grade mushroom compost (organic – includes no animal material)

Used for:
Distributed on and/or worked in clear soil before new lawn is installed to provide the new laid lawn with wanted nutrition (lasting between 1-2 years)
Compost dressing on top of established lawn area/s for a nutrition boost.

Supply normal medium grade compost (includes animal material)

Used for:
Distributed on and/or worked in clear soil before new lawn is installed to provide the new laid lawn with wanted nutrition (lasting between 1-2 years).
Compost dressing on top of established lawn area/s for a nutrition boost.

Supply normal fine grade compost (includes animal material)

Used for:
Planting of specialized flowers and plants.
Fine compost dressing on top of established lawn area/s for a nutrition boost (less odor and gives a finer finished look for gardens where time is of the essence).

Available for:
Just delivered or installation.

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Roll on Lawn
Loading roll on lawn
Loading roll on lawn

Different types (see “products” page).

Available for:
Collection – we cut and load for you.
Just delivered to your home or site – lawn order will be off loaded to the closest access point for the delivery vehicle (no wheelbarrowing).
Installation – laying of roll-on lawn on prepared area/s (if not done by our company). Rolled with a grass roller to assist with levels and establishing of new laid lawn by pressing the roots of sods directly onto the soil (no air bubbles).

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Sport field maintenance
Sportfield Maintenance
Sportfield (pitch) Maintenance

Mowing of sport field/s on a 2-week basis + removal of cuttings.
Spray (for de-weeding purposes) twice per year (if necessary).
Fertilizing of sport field/s (type of fertilizer will be determined by the condition of the lawn on the sport field/s on a seasonal basis (+- every 3 months).
Air rating – punching holes into the top grass level to give the lawn air and space to expand and strengthen itself (normally done in spring time).

Sport field maintenance will only be done on a contract basis and not in a once of installment (for more information – contact our office).
an Extra service will be supplied to customers with a 12 month or more contract which will include a yearly quantity of free roll on lawn (100 m2 per hectare) to patch heavy traffic areas on the sport field. Yearly quantity of free topsoil/compost (5 m3 per hectare) for leveling sunk in areas on the sport field. Free advice on any matter involving or revolving around the maintenance of the sport field. In case extra maintenance is required, then also discount prices on all products bought from Quick lawn SA.

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Lawn Maintenance

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